Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Physical or Sedentary?

     Now then, most people greatly emphasize the importance of exercise and physical activity, which is indeed a noble cause considering the utmost importance of health and fitness on one's quality of life. Nobody said that is how I live my life. I personally am a relatively sedentary person, spending most of my time sitting around and performing activities usually associated with being static and unmoving. But being static does not equate to being a couch potato or (insert combination of upholstery and vegetable here). Being sedentary brings with it a plethora of advantages not able to be obtained by mere activity. Yes, condescension is indeed one of my fortes, please don't feel offended. If not, good, allow me to continue onwards. If not, feel free to start a litigation against me, who do you think you are, Apple?
     Yes, my sedentary lifestyle has certainly seeped into the fibre of my personality, but worry not, because they are mostly positive.
You say? I think not, read on.
        When you're listing the advantages of being sedentary, first think of what you're NOT doing while exercising: Absorbing knowledge and information, observing your surroundings, and most importantly, learning. Sure, exercise improves the brain, but that's for diddly squat unless you actually use your brain for something. In retrospect, a sedentary lifestyle doesn't seem too bad after all. But I advise moderation, as always.                           

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